
Geography Syllabus for UPSC – Prelims & Mains 2025

The Geography syllabus for UPSC Civil Services Examination is divided between the Preliminary Examination (GS Paper I) and the Mains Examination (GS Paper I and Optional Paper I & II). The syllabus covers Physical Geography, Human Geography, Economic Geography, Environmental Geography, and Indian Geography.

Geography Syllabus For UPSC

Geography Syllabus for UPSC Prelims (General Studies Paper I)

The Prelims syllabus focuses on basic concepts of geography and the geographical features of India and the world.

geography syllabus for UPSC prelims

1. Physical Geography

Main TopicSubtopicsMicro-Topics
Earth’s Structure & CompositionStructure of the Earth: Crust, Mantle, CoreComposition of crust, mantle materials, inner and outer core differences
Geological Time ScalePrecambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic eras
Plate Tectonics & EarthquakesTheory of Plate TectonicsDivergent, Convergent, and Transform boundaries
Continental Drift TheoryWegener’s theory, evidence of continental drift
Earthquakes: Causes, Types, MeasurementSeismic waves (P, S, L waves), Richter Scale, Seismographs
Earthquake Zones in the World and IndiaHimalayan belt, Indo-Gangetic plain, Deccan plateau seismicity
VolcanismTypes of VolcanoesShield, Composite, Cinder Cone, Lava Domes
Distribution of VolcanoesPacific Ring of Fire, Mediterranean belt
Volcanic LandformsCalderas, Lava Plateaus, Volcanic Islands
Landforms & Their EvolutionWeathering & Erosion ProcessesMechanical, Chemical, Biological weathering
Fluvial, Aeolian, Glacial, and Coastal LandformsRiver valleys, Sand dunes, U-shaped valleys, Sea arches
Cycle of Erosion ModelsDavisian Model, Penck’s Model, King’s Model
ClimatologySolar Radiation and Heat BalanceInsolation, Albedo, Greenhouse Effect
Temperature DistributionIsotherms, Heat Islands, Temperature Inversions
Atmospheric Pressure and WindsPressure belts, Trade winds, Westerlies, Jet Streams
Precipitation: Types & DistributionConvectional, Orographic, Frontal precipitation
Global Climatic ZonesKoppen Classification, Thornthwaite’s Classification
OceanographyOcean CurrentsWarm & Cold Currents, Gulf Stream, Kuroshio Current
Tides and WavesSpring and Neap Tides, Tsunamis, Rogue Waves
Coral Reefs and Marine EcosystemsFringing, Barrier, and Atoll Reefs
Ocean Floor FeaturesContinental Shelf, Slope, Abyssal Plains, Trenches

2. Indian Geography

Main TopicSubtopicsMicro-Topics
Physical FeaturesHimalayas: Structure & FormationGreater, Lesser, Shivalik ranges, Trans-Himalayas
Peninsular Plateau: FeaturesDeccan Plateau, Aravalli Hills, Western and Eastern Ghats
Coastal Plains and IslandsEastern & Western Coastal Plains, Andaman & Nicobar, Lakshadweep Islands
River Systems & Water ResourcesHimalayan RiversIndus, Ganga, Brahmaputra river systems
Peninsular RiversGodavari, Krishna, Kaveri, Narmada, Tapi
Inland Drainage & Watershed ManagementSambhar Lake, Rann of Kutch, River linking projects
Groundwater and IrrigationTypes of irrigation: Canal, Drip, Sprinkler
Climate, Weather Patterns & MonsoonsIndian Monsoon SystemSouthwest & Northeast Monsoons, Western Disturbances
Climatic Regions of IndiaKoppen Classification in India, Seasonal Variations
Cyclones, Floods, and DroughtsCyclone-prone areas, flood management, drought mitigation
Natural Vegetation & WildlifeForest Types in IndiaTropical Rainforests, Deciduous, Thorn, Montane, Tidal Forests
Wildlife Sanctuaries & National ParksProject Tiger, Project Elephant, Biosphere Reserves
Biodiversity HotspotsWestern Ghats, Indo-Burma, Himalayas
Soil Types & DistributionMajor Soil TypesAlluvial, Black, Red, Laterite, Desert, Mountain Soils
Soil Erosion & ConservationCauses of erosion, watershed management, soil conservation techniques
Soil Fertility & ProductivityOrganic farming, Green Revolution impact on soil

3. World Geography

Main TopicSubtopicsMicro-Topics
Continents & CountriesPhysical Features of ContinentsMountains (Andes, Rockies), Deserts (Sahara, Gobi), Rivers (Amazon, Nile)
Important Countries and CapitalsGeopolitical significance of key countries
Major Geopolitical RegionsMiddle East, Southeast Asia, Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa
Latitude, Longitude & Time ZonesLatitude & Longitude SystemEquator, Tropics, Prime Meridian, International Date Line
Time Zones & Standard TimeGMT, IST, Daylight Saving Time, Time Zone Calculations
Earth’s Rotation and RevolutionEffects on seasons, time differences
Important Geophysical PhenomenaCyclones, Typhoons, and HurricanesFormation, Classification, Impact Regions
Earthquakes and TsunamisRing of Fire, Richter Scale, Seismic Zones
Volcanic Eruptions & DistributionActive, Dormant, Extinct volcanoes globally
Global Climatic ChangesEl Niño, La Niña, Jet Streams

4. Human & Economic Geography

Main TopicSubtopicsMicro-Topics
Population & Demographic TrendsWorld Population GrowthDemographic Transition Model, Global Population Distribution
Population Density and DistributionFactors influencing population density
Age-Sex Structure and Population PyramidsTypes of pyramids: Expansive, Constrictive, Stationary
Migration & UrbanizationTypes of MigrationInternal vs International, Voluntary vs Forced Migration
Causes and Effects of MigrationPush & Pull factors, Brain Drain, Refugee crisis
Urbanization TrendsMegacities, Urban Sprawl, Smart Cities
Economic ActivitiesPrimary, Secondary, Tertiary SectorsAgriculture, Mining, Manufacturing, Services
Agricultural GeographyTypes of farming: Subsistence, Commercial, Plantation
Industrial GeographyFactors influencing industrial location, Major industrial regions
Natural Resources & DistributionDistribution of ResourcesCoal, Oil, Natural Gas, Minerals globally and in India
Renewable vs Non-Renewable ResourcesSolar, Wind, Hydro, Fossil Fuels
Resource ConservationSustainable development, Circular economy

5. Environmental Geography

Main TopicSubtopicsMicro-Topics
Biodiversity & ConservationLevels of BiodiversityGenetic, Species, Ecosystem Biodiversity
Conservation MethodsIn-situ & Ex-situ Conservation, Protected Areas
International AgreementsConvention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Ramsar Convention, CITES
Environmental Degradation & PollutionTypes of PollutionAir, Water, Soil, Noise Pollution
Causes and Effects of PollutionIndustrialization, Urbanization, Deforestation
Environmental MovementsChipko Movement, Silent Valley, Narmada Bachao Andolan
Climate Change & Global WarmingGreenhouse Effect & Global WarmingCauses, Consequences, Global Temperature Trends
International InitiativesKyoto Protocol, Paris Agreement, IPCC Reports
Climate Change MitigationCarbon Sequestration, Renewable Energy
Disaster ManagementTypes of DisastersNatural: Earthquakes, Floods, Cyclones; Man-made: Industrial Accidents
Disaster Preparedness & MitigationNDMA Guidelines, Early Warning Systems, Rehabilitation Policies
International FrameworksSendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction
Geography Syllabus for UPSC - PDF

How is the Prelims Syllabus Different from the Mains Syllabus ?

The geography syllabus for UPSC is a crucial component of both the Preliminary and Mains stages of the Civil Services Examination. However, the focus, depth, and approach differ significantly between the two. Let’s break down these differences in simple terms to help you understand how to prepare for each stage effectively.

geography Syllabus for UPSC Mains
Geography Syllabus for UPSC mains

1. Objective vs. Descriptive Nature

  • Prelims:
    The Prelims exam is objective in nature, meaning you will answer multiple-choice questions (MCQs). The geography syllabus for UPSC Prelims focuses on basic concepts, facts, and general knowledge. It tests your ability to quickly recall information and apply it to factual questions.Example:
    Which of the following rivers originates from the Amarkantak plateau?
    • Narmada
    • Godavari
    • Krishna
    • Kaveri
    (Answer: Narmada)
  • Mains:
    The Mains exam is descriptive and requires you to write detailed answers in an analytical manner. The geography syllabus for UPSC Mains goes deeper into concepts and expects you to link theories with current affairs, draw diagrams/maps, and critically analyze geographical issues.Example:
    Discuss the role of ocean currents in influencing global climate patterns.

2. Breadth vs. Depth of Knowledge

  • Prelims:
    The syllabus is broad but not very deep. It covers a wide range of topics like Physical Geography, Indian Geography, and World Geography, but the focus is on basic understanding rather than detailed analysis.Prelims Topics Include:
    • Earth’s structure, plate tectonics, and earthquakes
    • Indian rivers, climate, soil types
    • World continents, latitude & longitude, time zones
    • Environmental issues like climate change and biodiversity
  • Mains:
    The syllabus demands in-depth knowledge and the ability to interlink topics. The geography syllabus for UPSC Mains includes not only the physical and environmental aspects but also economic, social, and political dimensions of geography.Mains Topics Include:
    • Detailed study of geomorphic processes and landform development
    • Climatology and oceanography in relation to human activities
    • Industrial location theories and resource distribution
    • Regional development planning and disaster management

3. Static vs. Analytical Approach

  • Prelims:
    Focuses mainly on static knowledge—information that doesn’t change over time. It emphasizes definitions, locations, and factual data. While some current affairs are integrated (like environmental treaties), the majority of questions are concept-based.Example:
    What type of soil is predominant in the Deccan plateau?
    (Answer: Black Soil)
  • Mains:
    Requires a dynamic and analytical approach. You need to relate current events with geographical concepts and explain the cause-effect relationships. The ability to critically analyze issues and propose sustainable solutions is key.Example:
    Analyze the impact of climate change on the frequency and intensity of tropical cyclones in India.

4. Use of Maps and Diagrams

  • Prelims:
    While map-based questions are common, you are not required to draw maps. Instead, you need to identify locations, recognize features, and answer factual questions based on maps.Example:
    Which of the following states does the Tropic of Cancer not pass through?
  • Mains:
    Drawing maps and diagrams is essential for scoring high marks. The geography syllabus for UPSC Mains expects you to illustrate your answers with India and world maps, flowcharts, and climatic graphs to enhance clarity and presentation.Example:
    Explain the distribution of iron ore deposits in India with the help of a suitable map.

5. Integration of Current Affairs

  • Prelims:
    Current affairs are relevant but mostly in areas like environmental geography—for instance, recent climate agreements or biodiversity hotspots declared under international conventions.Example:
    Which of the following countries recently hosted the COP27 Climate Summit?
  • Mains:
    The geography syllabus for UPSC Mains demands a deep connection with current affairs. Topics like climate change, urbanization trends, disaster management, and regional planning must be answered with current data and recent examples.Example:
    Evaluate the impact of the recent urban flooding in Bengaluru on infrastructure and regional planning.

Key Differences Summarized

AspectPrelims (Objective)Mains (Descriptive)
Nature of QuestionsMultiple-choice, fact-basedAnalytical, descriptive, and essay-style
Depth of KnowledgeBroad understanding of basic conceptsIn-depth analysis and interlinking of concepts
ApproachStatic and factualDynamic, analytical, and current affairs-oriented
Use of Maps/DiagramsIdentify locations, no need to drawDrawing maps and diagrams is essential
Current AffairsLimited to environmental treaties and global geography issuesIntegrated with physical, human, and economic geography

Breakdown of the Geography syllabus for UPSC Mains (General Studies Paper I)

1. Physical Geography

Main TopicsSubtopicsDetails / Focus Areas
Salient Features of the World’s Physical GeographyMajor Landforms and Physical FeaturesMountains, Plateaus, Plains, Deserts, River Systems, Lakes, Valleys
Continents and Ocean BasinsContinental Drift, Plate Tectonics, Structure of Ocean Basins
Major Biomes and EcosystemsTropical Rainforests, Deserts, Tundra, Grasslands, Coral Reefs
Geomorphic Processes and LandformsEndogenic ProcessesVolcanism, Earthquakes, Plate Tectonics, Mountain Building
Exogenic ProcessesWeathering, Erosion, Mass Wasting, Deposition
Landforms Created by Fluvial, Aeolian, Glacial, and Coastal ProcessesRiver Valleys, Sand Dunes, Glacial Moraines, Sea Cliffs, and Beaches
Climatology and Climatic RegionsStructure and Composition of the AtmosphereTroposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere
Temperature and Pressure DistributionIsotherms, Atmospheric Pressure Belts, Temperature Inversions
Winds and Air CirculationTrade Winds, Westerlies, Jet Streams, Monsoon Circulation
Precipitation and Cloud FormationTypes of Rainfall (Convectional, Orographic, Frontal), Cloud Types
Classification of ClimatesKöppen’s Climatic Classification, Thornthwaite’s Classification
Global Warming and Climate ChangeGreenhouse Effect, Carbon Cycle, Impacts on Weather Patterns
Oceanography: Ocean Currents and Marine ResourcesOcean Circulation PatternsWarm and Cold Currents (Gulf Stream, Kuroshio Current), Thermohaline Circulation
Tides, Waves, and Marine EcosystemsTidal Energy, Tsunamis, Coral Reefs, Marine Biodiversity
Ocean ResourcesFisheries, Minerals from Ocean Beds, Offshore Oil and Gas
Ocean-Atmosphere InteractionsEl Niño, La Niña, Indian Ocean Dipole

2. Indian Geography

Main TopicsSubtopicsDetails / Focus Areas
Distribution of Key Natural Resources across India and the WorldMineral ResourcesIron, Coal, Bauxite, Manganese, Oil and Gas Fields, Uranium Distribution
Forest ResourcesTypes of Forests in India, Timber Resources, Conservation Measures
Water ResourcesRiver Systems, Groundwater, Major Dams and Reservoirs, Water Conservation Techniques
Agricultural ResourcesMajor Crops, Agricultural Regions, Green Revolution Impacts
Energy ResourcesRenewable and Non-renewable Resources, Solar, Wind, Hydropower, Thermal Power Plants
Factors Responsible for the Location of Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sector IndustriesPrimary SectorFactors Affecting Agricultural and Mining Locations
Secondary SectorIndustrial Location Theories (Weber’s Theory), Industrial Corridors, SEZs, Clusters
Tertiary SectorService Sector Growth, IT Hubs, Financial Centers, Tourism Industry
Regional Disparities in Industrial DevelopmentIndustrially Developed vs. Backward Regions, Balanced Regional Development Strategies
Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Cyclones, and Other Natural Disasters in IndiaEarthquake ZonesSeismic Zones of India, Himalayan Earthquakes, Indo-Gangetic Plain Vulnerabilities
Tsunamis and Cyclonic ActivityCoastal Vulnerability, Eastern and Western Coastal Cyclones, Disaster Preparedness
Floods and DroughtsFlood-Prone Areas, Riverine Floods, Drought-Prone Regions, Impact on Agriculture and Livelihoods
Landslides and AvalanchesHimalayan and Western Ghats Vulnerabilities, Mitigation Strategies
Important Geophysical PhenomenaMonsoon VariabilityIndian Monsoon Patterns, El Niño Effect, Break Monsoon Phenomenon
Western Disturbances and Local WindsImpact on Northern Plains, Loo Winds, Mango Showers
Desertification and Coastal ErosionThar Desert Dynamics, Coastal Degradation in Gujarat, Kerala

3. Human Geography

Main TopicsSubtopicsDetails / Focus Areas
Population Distribution and Demographic AttributesGlobal and Indian Population DistributionPopulation Density Patterns, Demographic Dividends, Factors Affecting Population Growth
Age-Sex Structure and Demographic TransitionPopulation Pyramids, Dependency Ratios, Demographic Transition Model (DTM)
Literacy and Education PatternsRegional Disparities in Literacy, Female Literacy Rates, Impact of Education on Development
Health and Mortality RatesInfant Mortality, Life Expectancy, Healthcare Access, Maternal Mortality
Urbanization, Migration, and Settlement PatternsUrbanization Trends in India and the WorldGrowth of Megacities, Urban Sprawl, Slums and Informal Settlements, Smart Cities Mission
Rural-Urban MigrationCauses (Push & Pull Factors), Consequences, Brain Drain, Remittances
Settlement PatternsTypes of Rural and Urban Settlements, Dispersed vs. Clustered Settlements
Urban Planning and DevelopmentMaster Plans, Urban Governance Models, Infrastructure Development, AMRUT Mission
Regional Planning and DevelopmentRegional DisparitiesCauses of Regional Imbalances, Policies for Balanced Regional Development
Planning Regions in IndiaFive-Year Plans, Regional Development Authorities, NITI Aayog’s Role
Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and Industrial CorridorsDMIC (Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor), Chennai-Bengaluru Corridor
Sustainable Development and Regional PlanningRole of Geography in Sustainable Planning, SDGs Implementation in Indian Regions
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Geography Notes for UPSC

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